Join the Plattekill Historical Preservation Society today and you’ll be part of the team that is dedicated to saving our local community history for generations to come, educating the public about Plattekill’s story, and inspiring our community to visit the places where history happened. Your membership helps ensure that the Plattekill Grange will continue as an historical society and is forever preserved. As a member, you will receive notices about our new newsletter the Plattekill Dash, great free programs for you and also a 10% discount from our shop (at the Plattekill Grange).
James & Gloria Adair
Jami L. Anson, Board Member
Robert Anson, Board Member
Shirley V. Anson*, Board Member
Glen Botto & Libbie Werlau, Board Members
Rick & Patti Brooks
Hilda Coleman*
Esther Coppola
Anita Coy
Eugene Coy*
Helen Dawes, Board Member
Nancy Gilman, Board Member
Ray Gilman
Nat Dawes*
Marge Gardner*
Francis Gierisch
Hailey Marie Jarbeau - In loving memory of Shirley Anson
William & Florence "Flossie" Jessie
John R. Klix
Daniel Lansprey
Robert Mertine
Bill Michalski
William B. Rhoads, Professor Emeritus, Art History Dept. SUNY New Paltz, Renown Author.
Professor Anthony C. Robinson, Renown Author
Sandy Saddlemire
Zena Taylor
Carol Harris Weber - In memory of a great lady and friend ~ Shirley Anson
MaryLou Wild
*In Memoriam
Plattekill Public Library - Darren Lanspery
Lynn J. Alouisa
Dorcas A. Arocho
Katherine Beinkafner
Linda Chick
Chuck Connors
Alan Crawford
Jacquelyn Daniels
Debbie Deegan
Gail Doherty
Gladys Figueroa
Judy Golden
Rose Guerrieri
Karl Holmberg
James Metrando
Sharon Ostrander
Frances Uhl
Marguerite Adams & Bernard Stein
Sarah & Kip Anson
Arlington Auto & Tire
Fred Borman
Stewart & Kim Cunningham
John Delamater
Andrew T. Demenech
Edward & Lynne Deverman
Dwight & Laura Dougherty
John Evens
William Farrell
Anita & David Freer
Friends of the PHPS - So sorry about Shirley - she will be missed
Mary L. Furman & Roger Sullivan
Ray & Nancy Gilman
Richard Gorres & Family
Christina Greco
Alice & Wayne Harris - In memory of Shirley V. Anson
Jack Harris
Ray & Jane Heinsman
Leroy Hogan
John & Suzanne Isaksen
Shabazz & Jacqueline Jackson
Bruce & Ruth Jantzi
Kristi Klag, Board Member
Dee Jaye & John Kurta
Patricia L. Martin
Renae Martin, Board Member
Ish & Maryanne Martinez, Board Members
John & Yvonne Minard
Judy Moran
Norman & Sharon Ostrander
Jonathan & Lynne Ridgeway
Dorcas Roehrs & Larry Friedberg
Frank & Carolyn Ruggerio
John Scott & June Henneberry, Board Members
Robert & Theresa Smith
Carol & Don Stauss
Heidi A. Stettner-Schmalberger
Mary Sullivan & Roger Furman
Adrienne & Leonidas Vlamis - In memory of Shirley V. Anson
Frances & Allen Woodruff
Joyce & Louis Yess
Kelly S. Anson, Board Member
Ruth Paltridge Campbell
Chick Conners
Alan Crawford
Eugenia Coppola
Debbie Deegan
Mike DeLuca
Gladys Figueroa
Roberta Gerth
Rose Guerrieri
Teresa Kurta
Patricia L. Martin
Renae Martin, Board Member
Valeria McAllister
Cathylee Maynard
Keith Nieto
Sandra Palazzo
Ruth Paltridge Campbell
Phyllis Smith
Valerie Smith
Karen Tulchinsky
John Werlau, Board Member

Plattekill Historical Society Board
Please visit our ABOUT US button for a complete listing.
Jami L. Anson, President
Maryanne Martinez, Co-Vice President
Linda Chick, Co-Vice President
Libbie Werlau, Historian, Secretary, Author
Ish Martinez, Treasurer, Historian, Author
Lynne Alousia
William Farrell
Judy Golden
Renae Martin
John Werlau
Nancy Gilman
Ray Gilman
June Henneberry
John Scott