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Town of Plattekill Historian


Town Historian


Libbie Werlau, Town of Plattekill's Historian is an official of the local Plattekill government appointed by the Supervisor. Duties of the historian consist of collecting, preserving and making available materials relating to the history of the community. The historian also is responsible for preserving current records for the future. 

We welcome Libbie and Plattekill's within the Historic Plattekill Grange. A treasure to preservation of our local history - what does an Town Historian do?

1. Research and Writing:

The first, and primary, responsibility of the Plattekill Government Historian is interpretation of the past. This involves research and writing on aspects of your local communities facts for publishing in books, magazines, and newspapers.

The best local historians have upheld high standards of gathering and evaluating evidence, making thoughtful and appropriate generalizations, writing well-organized and readable narratives, and sharing their work with others through the most appropriate mediums.”

2. Teaching and Public Presentations

As historian, you will see Libbie teach courses in local and regional history, serve as a resource to teachers in the fourth and seventh grade local history curriculum, serve as a content consultant, speak and lecture to community groups, and participate in radio and TV talk shows to disseminate local history.

3. Historic Preservation

Libbie Werlau is an advocate for historic preservation and a resource to your appointing authority on questions relating to history and preservation. The historian may be asked to prepare a cultural resource survey, identify historic structures and prepare nominations to the State and National Register of Historic Places and to develop and manage historic marker programs.

4. Organization, Advocacy and Tourism Promotion

The Town of Plattekill is asked to organize and direct the commemoration of historical anniversaries and to participate in other civic or patriotic observations. The historian may be asked to act as a fund raiser or grant writer for historical programs. Appointing authorities may ask you to support local tourism.

Have photos or information of our local area? Have questions for Libbie? Would like an appointment to meet with her at the Plattekill Grange? You can reach out to or

Facts & Folklore from the Town Historian's Desk

Plattekill became a Town on March 21st, 1800, by an act
of the New York State Legislature. Plattekill was the
ninth town to be formed in Ulster County.


It was named for the Plattekill stream
located in the southern portion of the town.

Take this quiz and test your knowledge of the Town’s history.

  1. Who was the first Town Supervisor of the Town of Plattekill?

  2. Who is the present Town Supervisor?

  3. What town road was originally called Bog Meadow?

  4. Where was the nightclub, “The Cat’s Meow”, located?

  5. What was the former use of the Police Station?

  6. What structure is a Historical Landmark on the corner of Route 208 and New Hurley Road?

  7. Where was the “Elixir” springhouse?

  8. What do the letters “W.C.T.U.” stand for?

  9. Originally, what kind of building was the Plattekill Library?

  10. What major league baseball team did Al Corwin of Modena play for in the 1950’s?


  1. David Ostrander, 1800-1803.

  2. Jennifer Salemo became Supervisor in 2022.

  3. Freetown Highway.

  4. Route 32, owned by the Shea Family.

  5. The Police Station was used as school and then as the Town Hall.

  6. The New Hurley Church. It was placed on the National Registry of Historical Sites on October 29, 1982.

  7. In Clintondale. A mineral spring was discovered in 1857. Mr. Thorn bottled and sold the water for 25 cents a bottle.

  8. Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

  9. It was built in 1927 and used as a school until 1973.

  10. Al Corwin played for the New York Giants.

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